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Securing and maintaining your server

Securing Docassemble

Docassemble has not had any major security incidents in its history. But the higher profile your deployment, the more likely you are to have an individual attack. Such attacks are hard to entirely prevent. The best way to keep Docassemble secure is by upgrading on a regular basis.

In addition:

  • Consider using 2-factor authentication on your production server
  • Turn off the Playground on your production server
  • Limit the number of developers and administrators on your production server
  • Use input sanitization when calling a remote API or making a database query that uses user input to generate a query or insert a new row
  • When you have a file upload input, limit the size and type of uploads to prevent unknown exploits with the accept modifier and the maximum content length configuration option.

You can review Docassemble's security policy and documentation.

Instructions on applying regular updates are below.

Securing the underlying operating system

By default, a new Lightsail container with Ubuntu will check for security updates on a nightly basis and install them automatically. Occasionally, these updates may cause a problem with your container starting.

SSHing into the container and doing a manual docker start generally resolves these problems.

The alternative, manual installation of OS updates, is usually worse for most people who run a single small Docassemble server. Just set up automated alerts that tell you when the website is not available.

UpTimeRobot is one free option that works well for automated monitoring and alerts.

If you do not have automatic updates enabled, you can install the unattended-upgrades package manually using your host operating system's package manager.

Upgrading to a new version of Docassemble

Docassemble has two parts:

  1. a Python web application, built around the Flask framework
  2. An Ubuntu docker image and a series of Linux applications that the web frontend communicates with, including

Docassemble is updated regularly. As of this writing, releases come out almost every few weeks. Most updates affect only the frontend, not the Ubuntu operating system or its installed applications.

When to update

It's a good idea to stay up to date with the latest version of Docassemble. But sometimes the very latest release can have bugs. It's best to test out the release on a development or staging server before you install it on your production server.

If you get too far behind from the latest version, there's always a chance that you will run into a bug that only occurs because your version was too far out of date. A good cadence is upgrading about once a month.

Jonathan Pyle, the Docassemble author, is generally very responsive to bug fixes, as well as helping authors install a fixed version. The best way to get help with an upgrade gone wrong is to use the Docassemble Slack channel.

Upgrade the Docassemble frontend every few weeks. Upgrade the container every six months or so, unless you need a feature right away. But wait a week or two after the new container is released to make sure there are no lingering bugs.

Updates to the Docassemble frontend

You can update the Python packages and Flask frontend by using the "Upgrade" button in the package management menu.

This is safe to do on a monthly basis, but keep in mind that you should test the upgraded version of Docassemble on a development or staging server before installing on your production server.

Updates to the Docassemble container

Updates to the base Docassemble OS image (and Python, LibreOffice, etc) are generally optional. They come with new features that aren't possible to provide by updating just the frontend. But if you do not want or need those new features, you can wait to upgrade.

A good cadence for updating the container is about every 6 months, unless you see a feature that you want that requires an earlier update. You may want to wait for a few minor releases (which might fix critical bugs) before you upgrade your container. The newest container upgrade is the most likely to have a few bugs to work out.

The Docassemble Changelog announces when there is a new feature that requires a container upgrade. Just searching on the page for the word "container" should tell you.

Whenever you upgrade the Docassemble container, you have a small chance of losing data, because the upgrade process involves starting an entirely new Docker container and copying the information into it, either from a shared Docker volume or from S3. If the Docker container did not properly shut down, the data that you want to migrate might not be backed up and the new container may not have the information.

Here is the upgrade process:

  1. SSH into the virtual machine or server that hosts your Docassemble docker container

  2. In the virtual machine's command line, copy and run the following commands:

docker stop -t 600 $(docker ps -a -q)
docker pull jhpyle/docassemble-os
docker pull jhpyle/docassemble
docker run -d -p 443:443 -p 80:80 --restart always --env-file env.list jhpyle/docassemble
  1. After the container has safely started up, login to the web application to make sure all data is still present.
  2. Now, you can clean up all stopped containers (i.e., the old container you are no longer using) by running the following Docker command:
docker system prune

Updating individual packages

You can upgrade individual Python packages and Docassemble interviews on your server by visiting the Package Management page. and clicking the "update" button next to the package you want to update.

Generally, the "upgrade" button at the top of the Package Management page will upgrade all of the key packages that you need, except for the ones that represent individual interviews you authored.

The exception is if you installed a package or series of packages that is maintained by someone other than the Docassemble author, such as the Assembly Line packages.

Updating the AssemblyLine packages

The Assembly Line project's framework must be updated manually, whenever there is a new feature that you want.

The two packages that generally require such updates are:

  • docassemble.AssemblyLine
  • docassemble.ALToolbox

It's a good idea to stay on the "latest" version of the Assembly Line framework. New features that can cause disruption are usually put behind a new configuration option.

You can review the latest features of the Assembly Line on its Changelog, as well as the changelog for the ALToolbox.

PyPi vs GitHub

If you installed the AssemblyLine framework from GitHub, when you click the "upgrade" button, you will get individual minor and major updates that have not yet been "tagged" with a new version number. While any code on the GitHub server will have undergone a code review process and tests, the "tagged" releases are the ones that are intended for wider use and installation on production servers.

Therefore, we recommend that most authors install AssemblyLine from PyPi instead of directly using the GitHub URL.

Docassemble server maintenance checklist

On August 24, 2023, ILAO gave a presentation on Maintaining your Docassemble server as part of a Technology Initiative Grant funded by the Legal Services Corporation.

Watch the video or download the slides

Much of what was covered in the presentation is found elsewhere in this and other documentation. What follows is a condensed format to serve as a checklist.

AWS Lightsail instance

This server instance runs Linux, typically Ubuntu. It is sometimes called the host. Docassemble software runs on it.

  • How to monitor - Log into AWS console and see if it is running. Set up CPU utilization alerts to be emailed if there's a performance issue. A server reboot through AWS may be required if the instance freezes.
  • How to update
    • Important: Before you update or restart, we recommend that you 1) Stop the Docker container using docker stop -t 600 $(docker ps -a -q), and 2) Have a recent or make a backup of the docassemble database and redis.rdb files. See below on how to access and backup these files on AWS S3.
    • The typical setup is configured to automatically download and install security updates. It still requires a manual download of other updates and manual reboots. When you connect to the Lighsail instance via SSH, you may see a message that a number of "updates can be applied immediately." You can install Ubuntu updates with these commands:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade

We recommend that you restart Ubuntu after applying updates. The sudo shutdown -r now command will restart Ubuntu. The Docker container should automatically restart if it was run using the --restart always parameter.

When you connect to the Lighsail instance via SSH, you may see a "System restart required" message. You can restart the instance with this command:

sudo shutdown -r now
  • When to update - You can update Ubuntu every month or so. Restart it as needed or more frequently when the "System restart required" message comes up. This could happen if there is an update required for a security vulnerability.
    • Beyond periodic updates, the version of Ubuntu software may need an upgrade. This is like going from Windows 10 to 11, or macOS Ventura to Sonoma. Every 2 years, there's a new Ubuntu Long Term Support (LTS) version. See Rebuilding your AWS Lightsail instance.
  • What to back up - Keep a copy of the latest env.list file in case a rebuild is required.
  • Wnen to back up - After a backup copy of env.list is made, a new backup is needed only if the contents of that file changes.

AWS S3 bucket

This is where the Docassemble database lives. Separating the Docassemble data from the software makes it easier to maintain and rebuild if needed.

  • How to monitor - Log into the AWS console. Go to S3. You should see files within each bucket.
  • What to back up - The most important files to back up are:
    • configuration.yml
    • redis.rdb
    • docassemble (inside postgres folder)
  • When to back up - Every few months or as often as you want to have a backup you could rebuild from. By default, Docassemble makes a daily backup of these and other files. Each daily backup is stored in the /backups folder.

It is important to make backups of the docassemble database and redis.rdb files at about the same time. If these files are out of sync files when restoring, user accounts and data sync errors may result. See the Docassemble documentation to learn more about Recovery from backup files.

Docker container

This virtual machine is installed on the Lightsail instance and runs its own version of Linux. The Docassemble software runs within. Using a virtual machine adds to resiliency, though it also requires its own maintenance.

  • How to monitor - Use docker ps command to make sure it is running.
  • How to update - See Updates to the Docassemble container. You will use these commands: docker stop, pull, run, and prune.
    • If you updated the nginx timeout to 5 minutes earlier, you will need to redo it.
    • This will pull the latest version of each package unless specific version of a package was pinned via PyPI.
  • When to update - If the Docassemble Change Log has an update that says "System upgrade required," rebuild the Docker container after updating the Docassemble web app. Otherwise, about every 6 months.

Docassemble web app

This is the Docassemble software users and developers most often interact with through interviews and the Playground.

  • How to monitor - If you can get to the Playground, My Interviews, or an individual program, then it's working. UptimeRobot can be used to receive server up/down notifications by email.
  • How to update - Log in as an administrator. Go to Package Management. Click the "Upgrade" button. See Updates to the Docassemble frontend
  • When to update - Every few weeks or as needed if there is a critical bug fix or a desired new feature.


These are the program code, frameworks, and utilities that run on the Docassemble platform. The Assembly Line package is an example used by many programs.

  • How to monitor - Monitors like or homegrown programs can check if individual programs are running. Note: These tools just check whether individual interview pages are reachable. Learn about using ALKiln to do automated start-to-finish testing and monitoring.
  • How to update - You can update Assembly Line packages individually, or you can use the ALDashboard. You can also update individual packages on the Package Management screen.
  • When to update - Every few weeks or as needed if there is a critical bug fix or a desired new feature.